Logorama the movie has been nominated for Best Animated Short Film at The Academy Awards 2010. Featuring more than 2,500 logos, the film includes spectacular car chases, an intense hostage crisis, wild animals rampaging through the city, with a cast of Sherman Augustus, Aja Evans, David Fincher, Joel Michaely, Bob Stephenson, Andrew Kevin Walker and Matt Winston.

Logorama presents us with an over-marketed world built only from logos and real trademarks that are destroyed by a series of natural disasters (beginning with a hurricane, cyclone, tidal wave…). logotypes are used to describe an alarming universe (similar to the one that we are living in) with all the graphic signs that accompany us everyday in our lives. this over-organized universe is violently transformed by the cataclysm becoming fantastic and absurd. it shows the victory of the creative against the rational, where nature and human fantasy triumph”.

Logorama was produced at Autour de Minuit by H5, Paris, directors/writers/producers François Alaux, Herve de Crecy and Ludovic Houplain, digital lighting and compositing artist Simon Rafin, and music supervisor Bryan Ray Turcotte.
Kodak Discovery Award for Best Short Film at Critics Week, Cannes, 2009, the Audience Award at Festival Int’l de curtas metragens, Portugal, Audience Awards at Lille Internationnal Short Film Festival, Jury’s Special Prize and Audience Prize at Cinanima -- International Animated Film Festival, Portugal, Fuji Prize for the best directors and Audience Award at Villeurbanne Short Film Festival, France, Best Short Film at Stockholm Int’l Film Festival, Sweden, Best Direction and Audience Award at Vendome Film Festival, and Gold Mikeldi for Animation at Zinebi, Bilbao International Film Festival, Spain.

via http://theinspirationroom.com
