11.1.1 / 檳城元素細則
主辦及策劃: 南洋民間文化
協辦: 大眾書局
宗旨: 鼓勵市民以影像記錄本土,累績鄉土豐富人文影像資料。記錄社會城市變化的軌跡,為後人留下時代的記憶。
費用: RM60 (RM20 報名費 – 恕不退還,RM40 為預付2張將參展照片沖印裱裝費,如無入選將原銀歸還;如入選照片超過2張,每張將以RM20 計算)
攝影展: 本活動非攝影比賽,活動後主辦當局將擇日和場地展覽。參展作品由所有參與攝影活動者共同參與選出。
出版: 獲選展出作品將有機會結集成書。
報名方法: 從南洋民間文化部落格 (http://nanyangfolkculture.org/blog/) 或電郵至 nyfcpenang@gmail.com 索取表格,填妥後並於30.12.2010前電郵至 nyfcpenang@gmail.com
聯絡: 陳耀威 (012-474 3726) / 莊嘉強 (012-494 0426)
簡報及付費日期: 31.12.2010 星期五 (8:00 ~ 10:30 pm)
簡報及付費地點: 合您廣場大眾書局 (POPULAR Gurney Plaza)
拍攝時間: 1.1.2011 星期六 (12:00 am ~ 11:59 pm)
拍攝地點: 檳州
拍攝題材: 所有影像创作必须反映其地方性、本土性的文化特色或渊源,符合作为「槟城元素」论述的条件。
作品題目: 所有作品須有題目,主辦單位謝絕以「無題」為題目。
作品說明: 所有作品请务必附加不超過100字的文字说明以让你的故事更具说服力。
影像檔案: 祇限數碼影像,每張作品須轉成JPEG (每張作品File size不超過3Mb)。每人祇限10張作品。
收件方式: 於10.1.2011前和表格 (作品題目,資料及說明) 電郵至 nyfcpenang@gmail.com
簡報活動流程 地點: 合您廣場大眾書局 (POPULAR Gurney Plaza)
31.12.2010 FRI
3:00 pm 開始 | 登記及付費
7:30 ~ 8:00 pm | 「擁抱檳城」幻燈片欣賞,由陳耀威主講
8:00 ~ 8:30 pm | PENANG12/31攝影集介紹
8:30 ~ 9:00 pm | 檳城元素拍攝活動說明
01.01.2011 SAT
12:00 am ~ 11:59 pm | 開始拍攝,新年快樂!
10.01.2011 MON


11.1.1 PENANGISM Rules & Regulations
Organizer: Nanyang Folk Culture
Co-organizer: POPULAR Bookstore, Gurney Plaza
Aim: To encourage local residents to have photographic records of the rich cultural and urban landscapes of our hometown.
Fee: RM60 (RM20 non – refundable registration fee & RM40 for mounting & printing of 2 selected photos for exhibition. The production & printing fees will be returned if less than 2 painting are selected based on RM20 / photo. Likewise, additional fees will be charged based on RM20 / photo if more than one is selected)
Photo Exhibition: This is the activities of non-photo contest; the organizers will choose the date and venue of exhibition after this event. Photography exhibits by all involved actors to participate in election.
Publication: Selected works will have the opportunity published on book.
Registration Method: You may download the Registration Form from Nanyang Folk Culture blog (http://nanyangfolkculture.org/blog/) or email to nyfcpenang@gmail.com for registration form, upon completion, email the form to nyfcpenang@gmail.com by 30.12.20.
Contact: Tan Yeow Wooi (012-474 3726) / Ch’ng Kiah Kiean (012-494 0426)
Briefing & Payment Date: 31.12.2010 Friday (8:00 ~ 10:30 pm)
Briefing & Payment Venue: POPULAR Bookstore, Gurney Plaza
Shooting Time: 1.1.2011 Saturday (12:00 am ~ 11:59 pm)
Shooting Venue: Penang
Topic: All artwork must reflect the original, indigenous characteristics of locality or accessible cultural connections that are considerably qualified as a narrative of Penang elements.
Work Title: As we encouraged photographers to think creatively and critically, an artwork title (in any language) must be included with the artwork. Meaningless titles, such as “Untitled”, are not acceptable.
Work Description: As we encouraged photographers to think independently and confidently, a description/ caption of not more than 100 words (in any language) must be included in order to make the story interesting, indispensable and more convincing.
Image File Requirements:
1. Only digital image is acceptable.
2. Each participant is entitled to summit a maximum of 10 artworks.
3. Each artwork must be converted to JPEG or JPG format (with a file size not more than 3Mb).
4. Modification and enhancement of image with Photoshop effects are strictly prohibited.
5. Any image embedded in a DOC or XLS file or sent as a hyperlink to an online photo album is not acceptable.
6. Any artwork found to become an outcome of duplication, plagiarism, download, restriction and violation of copyright is totally not acceptable.
Submission: Attach the completed form (with complete artwork title, time, venue and descriptions) in an email and sent it to nyfcpenang@gmail.com by 10.1.2011. Late submission will not be entertained.
1. The organizer reserves the absolute rights to disqualify any entry that is incomplete, inauthentic, failing to comply with the stipulated rules and conditions, or developing a situation of underpayment.
2. Copyrights of photo will remain with the participating photographer. However, the organizer shall have the absolute discretion to use selected artworks for publishing purposes in print, web or whatever methods. Credits will be however given to the photographer.
3. The organizer only acts as the provider in creating a platform of artistic presentation, interaction and enabling logistics of the event. The participating photographer bears the absolute responsibilities in responding to any controversy or public inquiry that may arise from his/her work of art.
4. The organizer reserves the absolute rights to amend the rules and regulations under any necessary circumstances without prior notice.

Activities Flow Venue: POPULAR Bookstore, Gurney Plaza
31.12.2010 (Fri)
3:00 pm ~ | Registration and make payment
7:30 ~ 8:00 pm | “Embracing Penang” slide show by Tan Yeow Wooi
8:00 ~ 8:30 pm | Promotion of NYFC publication, PENANG12/31
8:30 ~ 9:00 pm | Shooting briefing
01.01.2011 (Sat)
12:00 am ~ 11:59 pm | Shooting begins & Happy New Year 2010
10.01.2011 (Mon)
Submission deadline

下载表格于/download form at : http://nanyangfolkculture.org/blog/
