It was the light night before me and Joe leaving Malaysia.
Playing Dare or Dare.

This is Joe.

From left : Lao Ee ( Oldest Swimmer ever from China), Angel (Roasted Chicken hung at Wu Xiu Zhe Stall), Cindy (Pong Chu from Botanical Garden), Min Min (from Ayer Itam Ban San Duck Rice stall), FiFi (Alex from Madagascar), Ah Lian (AV Porn Star from Japan)

Wall stick from England.

UK fashionable model reached Penang International Airport. ( Jolin: I'm just joking)

Say you like that you also happy?

When Titanic sank, there was a drunkard survived coz he had alcohol. Drink more before you swim back to Te'ng Sua( China ), Olympic is waiting for you.

This is a gathering photo.

Macam macam ada.

Miss my Unser?

After that day, We went back to the UK
because it was a day before we left and went back to the UK.

Miss you all. ( Except Ricky and Neh.)
Because they are in the UK.



Anonymous said...

Aiyo !! so fun!

lao ee!! ur 1st kiss gONE!!

Anonymous said...

Shit u ping..wat old swimmer...

e:girl with girl not count..

J said...

sh*t u too
i'm not porn star!!
geli la u

but fun when all there

ha ha

ah j

Anonymous said...

lao lesbian arr... geli loo hahahhahaha...

so fun hor...

Anonymous said...

hahahaha... all of the zoo member faster come back.. waiting u all.