農夫Fama 風生水起

Fama農夫 - 舉高隻手


「農夫」成立於2000年。這隊二人男子組合為聽眾帶來沒有怨恨的Hip Hop,取而代之的是嬉笑怒罵與玩世不恭的音樂態度。悅耳的旋律、跳脫的說唱、深入淺出的歌詞就是「農夫」在聽眾心目中的印象。05年4月推出了首張EP,同碟更獲香港著名歌星陳冠希於專輯內Featuring了一曲<<跟隊唔該(remix)>>。同年農夫舉行了一連四場的巡迴演出,當中嘉賓包括方大同、張繼聰、謝安琪及Soler。並先後替Konica Minolta及now.com.hk錄製電視及電台廣告、為抱抱良音05抱抱劇場擔任導演一職及為06抱抱營負責活動統籌策劃;另外獲林海峰厚愛,於其大碟<<三字頭>>中作了一首曲子(“嘻嘻哈哈”)。今年農夫正為全新唱片進行創作,嘗試與更多不同藝人合作,包括有舞台界第一笑匠詹瑞文及玄學大師麥玲玲等。

FAMA was created in 2000. The two male MCs have impressed audiences with their hate-free hip hop in humorous flippancy, catchy melodies, flowing rhymes and easily comprehensible lyrics. The group released their debut EP in April 2005, followed by four shows in succession, and work in TV and radio commercials (for Konica Minolta and now.com.hk) and theatre. In 2007, FAMA will be writing for their new album and trying to collaborate with a wider variety of artists, such as the top comedian Chim Sui-man and the female Fengshui master, Mak Ling-Ling.

Recently heard these song from radio...feel quite not bad & funny..
d1p (sleepy..)


Anonymous said...

i dun like them..haha

Anonymous said...

not the ppl...juz the song..

Anonymous said...

looks like the folo-ing softhard footsteps.. haha.. the lyrics is quite funny.

but they act 六楼后座2.. very lame and 样衰!