Siu Meng still the same, paparazzi around.

ps: My face -_-''

d4e miss me?


Anonymous said...

ok la so many people go s'pore visit u guys..

J said...

wow he go to visit jamie ah


Anonymous said...

emily..ou look fat ki..from that photo...

Anonymous said...

aiya. i dint say i have slim... fat ma fat lo u kap siao me ar!

rickydaskylinez said...

serious u fat ki liao....
but ah roy ko also fat ki liao... only de face looks round... haha...
'hok ki' la...

Anonymous said...

omg... i fat ki.. i'll go slimming haha..

Anonymous said...

ok i go plastic surgery. suck my fat oil out

Anonymous said...

nolar..emily where got fat ki?last month we went met them..she is thin ki..not fat fast fat meh?dont believe..i think this is the photo angle la..u should see real person..

Anonymous said...

yea loo, whr got fat~

lao ee got 明亮的眼睛 :D

Anonymous said...

Lao ee good in talking shit..
see ghost say ghost word
see human say human word

i will judge by my own eyes

Anonymous said...

hmm.. lao ee always got good image among we all.. bad people sure we do la she wont do 1...

rickydaskylinez said...

sure lao yee keat in imagination la... 2000 years old sth still can tell us he is 20 years old sth when she is in front of de mirror..

so ah roy n ema, u both think think should listen 2 lao yee anot loo....

Anonymous said...

lao ee 受尽枪林弹雨... haha..

Anonymous said...

ok ok stop stop i fat okay? i fat..

Anonymous said...

emi ar.. don' lam mai suong san la... it's heavy enough.. siao qu...

Anonymous said...

Neh:u dont say anything la...every girl u also "hiam" one..didnt heard you 称赞who lo..the girl who u love many years lo...tht's only one i heard...all girls among u..hav "hiam"by u many times dee..dunno ur eyes wat happen ah..should go to check..

oh~now i know..i m the person like this..
"Lao ee good in talking shit..
see ghost say ghost word
see human say human word"
everything i talked is shit things..ur talking is so meaningful and truth..ppl who hav been UK really not same liao...standard also not same..高攀不起ah..

Anonymous said...

Mr Jet:oh!原来我"逼"你做坏人啊..sorry sorry lo..paise la..i didnt know time my turn b bad ppl lo..

Anonymous said...

ricky:2000 years old my age increase somemore ah...-_-|||

r+e:listen to them la..UK more "high" standard..all ppl been UK hav diffirent view..

[Conclusion:all ppl been to COMPLAIN..seem this is an influence.]

Rickydaskylinez said...

wa.... ms. wong wen pei... soryy 4 wat i've said 2 u... but... u noe rite... WE din mean dat wan mer... juz kiddin nia... sob sob...

Anonymous said...


千年老妖 PISS off d!!!

lao ee.. dont worry.... we trust u... 乖har......

Anonymous said...

WAH lao EE!! I LOVE U!!!!hahah

Unknown said... pressure so much ar...shoot one by one ar...siao liao ar... siao liao ar..siao liao ar..siao liao ar..siao liao ar..siao liao ar..siao liao ar..siao liao ar..siao liao ar..siao liao ar..siao liao ar..siao liao ar..siao liao ar..siao liao ar..siao liao ar..siao liao ar..siao liao ar..siao liao ar..siao liao ar..siao liao ar..siao liao ar..siao liao ar..siao liao ar..siao liao ar..siao liao ar..siao liao ar..siao liao ar..siao liao ar..

Anonymous said...

Neh:this is not because work pressure....dont ke ke change topic..always like tht when u said something wrong..

[p/s:hey,mr.roy..你撑我或者踩我?!wat 千年老妖 la... =p]

Anonymous said...

hahahahaha..take it easy mates..dont so serious..

Unknown said...

lao ee this ZHAO called : "one spoon of sweet, one spoon of shit", chinese is :一担砂糖,一担屎“

sorry lao ee...we lose are the best

Rickydaskylinez said...

lao yee.. how to be not seriouz... write like ESSAY like dat... we sure 'chua sai' wan mer...

Anonymous said...

撑和踩 canot be together one? have to seperate? haha..

lao ee counter attack.. mai siao siao... hahaha

Anonymous said...

Neh:tht's was u started the war..i juz telling the truth..n ask u b gentle to girls..dont "hiam" so much..

ricky:the long comment not for for dont need "chua sai" la..if someone hav to do tht..tht's will b neh..

roy: sure..撑和踩cant be together la..if together, tht's call长他人志气,灭自己威风.. =p

okmijin said...

Lao ee is focus on me only, sorry other mates...

lao ee..i only rude to you only..hahaha

Anonymous said...

u lang si siao liao hor...discuss whether i'm fat or not..become 30 comment.. -_-''

neh - Eng kao! kam lan lah ur mouth...lao ee boom him!

Rickydaskylinez said...

boom la...
no 30 comments beh suak liao...
keep boom la...

okmijin said...

all happened also because of YOU..EMILY SOON~!!!

Anonymous said...

Dont blame ppl shit neh! u are the one who light up the fire!!!

later heng kee society cook u bcome "white chop chicken"..!!!

lao ee... cook him!~ i lend u 菜刀!

Anonymous said...

roy, dont need..i told my mum wat neh said in here..jaja..

Anonymous said...

momo: Haha...wat an interestin conversation...Lao Ee,wo chang lei~

Anonymous said...

wah... unbelievable appear!! momo!!!

Rickydaskylinez said...

momo 'pou tao'

Anonymous said...

what's so happening this topic -_-''

Anonymous said...

GOOD MOMO !! u coming also...lets us boom neh boom e beh song..lets us make this to 51 comments!

Anonymous said...

wah... even momo oso appear d... who else more??

lao ee call "water"

all wanna attack neh...

namo ami to fuuuuuuu