From Yahoo!Movie :

In Los Angeles, circa 1920's, a little immigrant girl finds herself in a hospital recovering from a fall. She strikes up a friendship with a bedridden man who captivates her with a whimsical story that removes her far from the hospital doldrums into the exotic landscapes of her imagination. Making sure he keeps the girl interested in the story he interweaves her family and people she likes from the hospital into his tale.

Official Website

因 骨折受伤的小女孩住进了医院。在院中她认识了一个会讲故事的男人。这个男人因截瘫卧床无法行动,但他的脑子里却天马行空的运行着另外一个奇妙的世界。男人 给小女孩讲故事,而故事里讲的正是他脑海中那些光怪陆离神奇缤纷的景象。小女孩被男人故事中奇妙的世界所深深的吸引,每天都跑来听他的故事。日子一天天过 去,小女孩在故事的世界中进行着新奇的旅行,而渐渐的故事中的世界开始与现实重迭,真实与虚幻慢慢相交融和出一个华丽的魔幻世界……


I like the shooting angles.. and how it links reality and imagination together..
