d4e + d2r


Anonymous said...

hey ping....happy blated bday!!!

danaken_the clown

okmijin said...

is my fault...is my fault to remind you emily...

Anonymous said...

ops~sorry ping..forget ur bday!Happy Belated Birthday!sorry..really sorry!!!!!!

e:what hav neh done again?another white board things?jaja..]

Anonymous said...

haiz...u these people... dont know i make these friends for what...u know on my bday, when i see the blog i keep thinking : sixzai? six lan got la.. haha ... joking la... thanks anyway.. suddenly got the birthday feeling back d hahaha.. really love hate you all... thanks jolin for the video.. hehe..

Anonymous said...

DIAM! u THIS EVIL creature! GO AWAY!!DUN HAVE spoil our frenship..muahahhaa

laoa: aiya what else u think he will do...all the evil thing lo.

Anonymous said...

湖内ping~~ happy belated birthday~~ paise arr... owe u one pressie.

Anonymous said...

momo said: Haha...since mostly of us hav forgotten...i dun mind to count on me...ar Ping ar, Happy Belated Birthday ar!! *quack*...