Recently found out these 大頭貼..but forgot when we took's funny to look at it..all change so much..hehe.. ^^

d1p [makan ular..makan ular..diam..diam.. =p ]


Anonymous said...

WAh WAH WAH old school

Anonymous said...

OMG.. lao ee i kill u

Anonymous said...

hahahah!!!funny shit...all dao gei face

danaken_the clown

Anonymous said...

ohhh... the left behind pei is jolin hor??? omg different! different!different!!!!!!!!!


Anonymous said...

hahaha...funny...all "sa beh se" yet..

r:see back ur old imagenot good meh?then u can compare past & present..see u improve or xD

Anonymous said...

we took in kl la
forgot meh pei
the large one
i still kept mine leh


Anonymous said...

OMG..i remembered..~from KL..we together go KL buy new clothes..

i improved the most~!yes~!

Anonymous said...

neh.. u really beh pai se ah lu...-_-|||

Anonymous said...

where is me?????????? why i din go? somebody tell me why...

Rickydaskylinez said...

ah piang.. obviously ignoring u d la... y wat...

J said...


Anonymous said...

i remember i shout like shit in Kl mall..walao...sia old aunty.

Anonymous said...

wah really.. HISTORY leh.. haha...
who is still the same har?

Anonymous said...

ah ping:u busy or went Sabah tht times..coz tht times was end of year,near christmas if not wrong..but luckily u didnt at there u also will b very kek qi with neh..really jia la ah..r+e became neh second parent..under also hav to help him bought coz he dunno wat size..i rememebered tht..jaja..

Anonymous said...

chap siao wa ar? jealous me lao ee

Rickydaskylinez said...


Anonymous said...

jealous lu!? TOlong ji lu beh pai se ah.. =P

Anonymous said...

you all got time please comment other posts.. all the comment like stuck on this post nia..

Anonymous said...

hahaha.... the 1st time i choose undie for a "GUY" arrr.... haha

wah... change a lot looo.. kia si lang...

Rickydaskylinez said...

pang sai piang scold d...
ok.. this post eh comment ended here...

Anonymous said...

and still remember that we just drive around without knowing anywhere we heading... loook on the road sign...haha syok..

okay liao okay liao "last comment"

Anonymous said...

haha..i also remember tht me,jolin n neh rush like siao lang..from midvalley to Pudu..n futhermore we lost in Pudu o!jaja..

okok.."last last comment"

Anonymous said...

lao ee.. enough.. if got time post on other post please... are you human or tree or made of plastic?