Google’s been working on some new stuff to make sharing on the web more like sharing in real life. Google+ is currently in field trial mode, with a select group of people outside of Google’s staff invited to put the social media software through its paces. As the editor of The Inspiration Room I’ve had the privilege of looking around inside and so far it’s looking good. The capacity to develop circles of contacts makes a lot of sense, mirroring but perhaps strengthening the capacity already built into Facebook and Apple’s contacts. The video conferencing Hangout takes the visual interface of TinyChat and moves further. The Sparks feed system provides a visual take on the RSS subscriptions of the past. Sign up for an invite at In the meantime, check out the videos released by Google. By the way, we’ve introduced the Google+ button under all our Inspiration Room stories, alongside the Facebook Like, Tweet This, Digg, Stumbleupon and many other social networking options.


neh said...

another facebook..ahhahaha